Saturday, 17 March 2012

LLaingoch and District Spring Flower Show

Today I attended the LLaingoch and District Spring Flower Show, it is a very small show with only a few entrants however the standard is still pretty high. The organisers do a fantastic job of putting on this show selflessly giving their time to the community. (And their cakes are pretty good too!). I also had to go so I could ask the secretary how to join the society. (These people are very approachable and anybody thinking of joining their local horticultural society should, as you get to know fellow growers, exchange advise and gain information of the other events happening on the local community) The reason for joining the society was so I could be entered into the members trophies section of the summer show. Anyway here are a couple of snaps of the show.


  1. looks like a lovely little village show

  2. who do i need to find to join the llaingoch and district horticultural society in holyhead
